Turbo Motorcycle International Owners Association

"Dedicated to the preservation of all turbocharged motorcycles"

Hit the Boost Button!

(Sad) News!

10/17/22 Yamaha Turbo High-Speed Misfire Fix

12/30/21 Arlie Rauch, longtime TMIOA Membership Director passes away

08/18/21 One-mile 1983 Honda CX650 Turbo Vo-Tech Bike Anyone? Thanks, Mort

08/12/21 Honda CX650T Aftermarket Piston Rings – Thanks, Ko

07/28/21 ADVRider Back-In-The-Day Honda v. Yamaha Turbos Review

07/04/21 Another Mort Find! Mike Chestnut's last personal Gpz Turbo For Sale – Upgrades Unlimited

04/15/21 Our Resident Honda Turbo Guru Keeps Another One On The Road (see Honda Turbo Forum)

02/20/21 Turbo Steve offers Suzuki XN85 “Blueprints” as individual downloads (see forum)

02/14/21 Mort strikes again! - Kaw Turbo ebays for $20,700 (again a new record?)

1/26/21 Museum-Quality Honda CX500TC sells for $10,141 USD (another new record?)

1/24/21 Museum-Quality Honda CX500TC for sale (thanks Mort)

Comments On Yamaha Turbo Ownership – 07/01/20

03/13/20 - Turboville! Rally IV (1995) 25th Anniversary – see the newly posted archived photos here

10/30/19 – Yamaha Turbo pulling 95 HP + 70 ft.-lbs. Torque + 18 psi on dyno (YouTube - turn up the volume!)

95 HP Yamaha Turbo Dyno Chart

10/15/19 – Updated “Rally” pages for all the past meets

From the archives of TMIOA come new Turbo Rally photos – see them here or take a trip down memory lane … if you were there! - 10/2/19

Very clean, 6.6k-mile, Yamaha Turbo For Sale in US - $4250

Unknown NOS Factory Yamaha Turbo Kit discovered

Michael Lee “Mike” Chestnut Passes Away 05/03/16

Mike Chestnut Obituary (unofficial)

Yamaha Turbo Fuel Starvation Problem Forum Disscussion - http://tmioa22687.yuku.com/topic/2456/Petcock-Leak

Yamaha Turbo Fuel Leaking Into Crankcase Problem Forum Discussion - http://tmioa22687.yuku.com/topic/2069/Fuel-check-valve

Dateline 02/17/16 - Estate sale of eighteen Yamaha Turbos in California!

New! - die Wurstchen has done it again. Even more mods to his Kaw Turbo. Now 200 hp! - when will it end?

New! - TMIOA Tech Manuals CD now contains the elusive Z1-R TC Owners Manual

The friendly fellows over at the HFTC (Dutch) Parts Commission have found replacement Honda Pro Link bushings

Mort finds Moto Morini 500 Turbo Prototype archives on Dutch Moto Morini website

Honda OE Air Filter Element Replacement!

Suzuki Recursion brings back the Turbo!

Fix for Kawasaki Turbo clutch dampers

Gas Cap Venting Fix for Yamaha Turbo

Turbo People Lane S.

Pb Sensor Replacement for Honda Turbos

RaceTech offers modern suspension for factory Turbos


Aug. 26thAug. 28th, 2022 Honda First Turbo Club (Netherlands) 35th Anniversary Rally – Vianden, Luxemburg

2021 (2020 cancelled) Exotentreffen (Netherlands) Exotics 28th Anniversary Rally

For the Euro Rallies Go To Facebook For The Details

Turbo Rallies Revisited August 31 – September 5, 2019

2019 Honda CX-Turbo Club Norge (Norwegian) Rally June 28th-30th

2019 UK Honda Turbo Association Rally June 21st-23rd

2019 Honda First Turbo Club (Dutch) 33rd Anniversary Rally August 24th-26th

2016 Return to The Dragon: Evergreen Turbo Rally in Stecoah, North Carolina, June 16-19, 2016

2016 Return to The Dragon: Evergreen Turbo Rally in Stecoah, North Carolina, June 16-19, 2016 (downloadable)

2016 Honda First Turbo Club (The Netherlands) 30th Anniversary Rally in Mons, Belgium Aug. 26th-29th

2016 Honda First Turbo Club (The Netherlands) Mons Rally Registration Form

2016 Exotentreffen (Netherlands) Exotics 24th Anniversary Rally

2015 Honda First Turbo Club (The Netherlands)/ ITT International Turbo Treffen Rally Aug. 28-30 in Sneek at Stayokay - FAQs On Facebook

2015 Norge (Norwegian) Turbo Rally June 12-14 in Lom - more on UKHTA and Turbo Tim's Facebook pages

More 2014 rally coverage on Honda CX Turbo Association (UK) and Honda CX Turbo Club Norway Facebook Pages

2014 UKHTA and German CX-T Owners Rally Photos on Tim Turboracer's Facebook Page

2012 Norwegian Turbo Club CX Turbo Rally Report

2011 TMIOA Turbo Rally XXI Report – Never Say Never!

2010 TMIOA Turbo Rally XX Report - Never Again In July


This Website is the most comprehensive assemblage of information in the world on factory turbocharged motorcycles.

It is dedicated to the dozens of people who selflessly volunteered to benefit the association's members, the hundreds of Turbo Rally participants who always supplied interesting entertainment whenever and wherever Turbos gathered, and to the thousands of worldwide Turbo owners and enthusiasts who continue to express an interest in these rare and unique motorcycles.

Turbo Tim says, "Ride 'em – don't hide 'em!"

We survived the Turbo era”, Allen L.

"Several times in the past 25 years I’ve considered replacing the Turbo, but I enjoy its rarity and I can’t find another motorcycle with the wind protection, ability to comfortably cover 500 miles of two-lane roads in a day, and the addictive “stronger as it goes faster” power of a turbocharged engine. Even today, the Yamaha Turbo offers a thrilling ride every time you twist the throttle - and have the guts to hold it there." Winding Road Motorcycle Times (March-April '07).


© 2006-2025 Turbo Motorcycle International Owners Association