Turbo Motorcycle International Owners Association
"Dedicated to the preservation of all turbocharged motorcycles"
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For over a year, TMIOA officers have struggled with the idea of ceasing Turbo News publication. The internet has emerged as the dominant source of news and information about turbocharged motorcycles and it has created an increasingly popular alternative to a published newsletter.
From the very first day in 1996 that Turbo News Editor Steve Klose created the website our membership rolls have fallen by 50% until they now fluctuate between 50 and 100. Over the past year we have continued to publish Turbo News, but now the lack of new Turbo News material has forced us to make the decision to end newsletter publication sooner than we had anticipated.
There’s little “news” about turbocharged motorcycles that past issues of Turbo News haven’t covered. Manufacturers of turbocharged motorcycles have expressed no interest in them and the TMIOA post office box receives little information and few letters. The website “Bulletin Board” and “For Sale” pages have replaced the “Letters” and the “For Sale” sections of the newsletter. The website’s links to turbocharged motorcycle websites both in the United States and around the world have superceded information that would have been in the newsletter. Clearly, there is no future in printing and distributing Turbo News.
Personally, I’d like to thank those members who edited and distributed Turbo News over the past 16 years beginning with CX-Turbo International Owners Association founder John Nee and continuing with TMIOA founder Allen Lough, longtime Turbo News Editor Steve Klose, current Membership Director Arlie Rauch and past Publications and Circulation/Distribution Directors Andy Gaul, Glenn Edwards, and Jeff Hood.
TMIOA’s future lies in the internet virtual world as a resource for turbocharged motorcycle owners. We can provide any new information, create a registry to replace the membership directory, maintain the bulletin board, announce rally dates, sites, and details, and offer merchandise, technical support, and back issues much more efficiently and timely through the website. TMIOA isn’t going to cease; it’s just going to change and we hope these changes make our association more relevant than ever.
Robert H. Miller
November 2003
The TMIOA was started in 1987 by John Nee of Mt. Pleasant, MI, when it was known as the CX-Turbo International Owners Association. In December of 1988 the name was changed to the Turbo Motorcycle International Owners Association and its focus broadened to include coverage of all 1980's factory turbocharged motorcycles, later the focus broadened again to include all turbocharged motorcycles and the association's website began including turbo enthusiasts who had built their own turbocharged motorcycles – factory produced or not..
Allen Lough of Penn Laird, VA, took over the reigns of the club in December of 1991. In March 1995, club reins passed to Bob Miller and duties were split among four members who continued the leadership and dedication set down by John and Allen. It was Allen who started the popular Turbo Rallies I-XXI that continued from 1992-2011 with a small gathering of Turbo enthusiasts in 2019.
Today, the TMIOA serves as the worldwide resource for Turbo owners. There is no paid staff (there never was) - only volunteers giving their time, expertise, and knowledge and sharing the joys of turbocharged motorcycles.
President, Robert Miller
Editor, Steve Klose
Membership Director, Arlie Rauch (RIP)
Webmaster, Colin Goodall
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International Owners Association