Turbo Motorcycle International Owners Association

"Dedicated to the preservation of all turbocharged motorcycles"

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Though originally founded in 1987 as a Honda CX Turbo owners club and later expanded to include all factory Turbo bikes (1991), the Turbo Motorcycle International Owners Association is dedicated to the preservation of all turbocharged motorcycles. Since 1987 the association has collected and disseminated information and material of particular interest and assistance to Turbo bike owners through Turbo News, our quarterly newsletter.

In 1996, Turbo News Editor Steve Klose created our first web site. Then in 2002, Webmaster Colin Goodall completely re-engineered the Website expanding the features and greatly increasing the content to include the Rallies, Tech Help, Turbo People, Photos, and Forum sections bringing the website kicking and screamng into the early 21st century. This allowed TMIOA members and enthusiasts to access the latest factory turbo information instantly, as well as exchange opinions on our bulletin board. Just a year later, in 2003 (a bit before we anticipated), Turbo News ceased publication after 51 issues and sixteen years mainly due to the Website's popularity and with it formal (paid) membership in the club ceased and what began was membership into the Turbo Club for all the world.

Today, the TMIOA serves as a worldwide resource for Factory Turbo owners and everyone else interested in these relatively rare and very much-ahead- of-their-time motorcycles (RE: almost forty years later all motorcycle and automobile manufacturers are researching, developing, and/or producing forced-induction engines) by maintaining the website, hosting Turbo Rallies, and offering Turbo News back issues, factory Turbo service manuals, action-packed Turbo DVDs, troubleshooting guides, and TMIOA tee shirts.

There is no paid staff (there never was) - only volunteers giving their time, expertise, and knowledge and sharing the joys of turbocharged motorcycles.



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© 2006-2025 Turbo Motorcycle International Owners Association